DieGuys Inc. Welcomes You

About DieGuys Inc.
Highly Trained, Highly Effective
We believe that our customers and our employees are the most important keys to success. Both will be treated with the utmost respect. No business activity, other than on-the-job safety, is more important than helping the customer.
We are more concerned with how we can accomplish things and overcome adversity rather than why we cannot. We are uncompromising is our commitment to solve problems and take advantage of opportunities today rather than tomorrow.
We believe the performance and productivity of each employee can continually improve with proper support and guidance. Each employee has the opportunity to do more, and to assume greater responsibilities in a stimulating, enjoyable, and rewarding work environment.
We will always carry out our business activities in a safe, professional, ethical, and legal manner with the highest level of cooperation, support, and respect for our customers, employees and suppliers.
​ Quality Commitment
We are dedicated to strengthening our relationship with our customers, and becoming one of the leaders in the cutting die industry by applying our resources in these areas:
1: Consistency of purpose through education and teamwork
2: Responsiveness and service through improved communication
3: Reduced cycle times and creation of less waste
4: Committed support of our suppliers

Our President Kathy Greenwald with the ServiForm Rotanext Bender.